Monday, 15 April 2013

How to nurture orchids (fertilizer Agrecol)?

Have wyrzuciłaś ever had an orchid that resembled badyla in a transparent pot or two leaves or a dried spider? Such stories I hear in the florist regularly because a large part of the client does not have knowledge about proper care of orchids.

Every plant requires not only water but also complex fertilization. If we care about the long and abundant flowering of orchids, choose a fertiliser and regularly dostarczajmy our flowers with essential nutrients and minerals.

What fertilizer will be suitable for orchids?

What fertilizer to choose Orchid-Florist VivalidNaszym customers recommend a proven, high-quality fertilizer (in various form) of the company Agrecol. This brand is quite famous – available in our florist as well as in popular hypermarkets. These are comprehensive fertilizers, composed to ensure that orchids have the most natural conditions.

Lack of knowledge about care and nutrition most often makes after flowering orchid falls, and we throw it into the trash. If you already have an orchid on your windowsill, think of buying a fertilizer to regenerate orchids in your applicator.

How does fertilizer work for the regeneration of orchids Agrecol?

First of all, it stimulates to flower, strengthens and prolongs the flowering time. It makes the flowers firm and strong, so we can enjoy much longer their charm. Ingenious applicators facilitate precise dosing of fertilizer. It is worth remembering that one applicator falls on one orchid and should not be used for more than a month-two.. Then take a break and then continue the treatment.

The applicator is suitable for use by people with less experience – no problem.


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